Is it worth having unprotected sex and risk contracting STD?
Everyone has to make his/her own value judgments, but STDs are not trivial. Not only can some lead to death (HIV, syphilis), but others can lead to permanent sterility. And the really nasty things is that many of the STDs can be acquired but cause no symptoms at all, doing their damage quietly within the body. There are also increasing varieties of STDs that are resistant to antibiotics, so they're not as curable as they once were. Fifty or sixty years ago, penicillin would cure almost all of them. Today, that's not at all the case. And then there's the social cost. Depending on local laws, several STDs must be reported to public health officials by treating physicians. That means your name, and the name of your partner(s), end up in some government database. We all know just how secure those databases are. So you're also running the risk of having your medical and sexual history becoming public information. Or being used as a lever for blackmail. You'll have to assess how damaging that is/could be and make your own decision.