Do animals contract diseases through sex like humans?
STD's or Sexually Transmitted Diseases in animals are prevalent and can cause severe economic loss in the livestock industry. STD's are not restricted to livestock only, but can affect most mammals and it's worth noting that some can be transmitted to humans through consumption, clinical examinations or pets licking their genitalia then licking their owners. I will note four below for different reasons; two being bacterial (B) of which one can affect humans (H), one from virus (V), and one from protozoa (P). Bovine Herpes Virus (V) Trichomonas Foetus (P) Vibriosis (B) Brucellosis (B, H) It is believed that gonorrhea and syphilis, two important STD's affecting humans, originated in animals. But most zoonoses are transmitted through casual contact of semen, vaginal fluids, blood, saliva, urine, feces, and raw milk.